October 14, 2011

My one sentence response to Paul Allen's claim that the Singularity isn't near

The Singularity has virtually nothing to do with matching or even approximating human cognition, and everything to do with the unpredictable and uncontrollable impacts of superscale computing.

Read more of my perspective, Hear that? It's the Singularity coming.

Read Paul Allen's post, The Singularity Isn't Near.


  1. Paul Allen could easily start the Singularity with the right donation to the right people. Perhaps he didn't quite understand the converse. He doesn't have enough money to stop the Singularity with the right donation to the right people.

  2. I can half believe that kind of Singularity. We'd probably need that kind of processing power just to develop General Artificial Intelligence, considering that biology is one of the most CPU consuming fields these days.


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