March 3, 2009

On vacation

See you guys next week.


  1. cool, enjoy your vacations
    what about the gals?

  2. Anonymous5:34 AM

    miss You already

  3. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Humans demand order. Where there is order, there is life; where there is disorder, there can only be death?? As a result, rational agents in an ordered world gather, process, and refine information as a survival strategy. For prehistoric man, this behaviour resulted in a positive feedback loop, where the more data that was accumulated, the more control he had over his physical environment. And control of the environment, like order, allows for life. [Note: in the bible it was written that God created the world from chaos.] doesnt need chaos???

  4. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Amongst other things, Marx was a conspiracy theorist. Agreed

  5. And where exactly are you going that has neither sentient life nor internet access, eh? Slacker.

  6. I have nothing to read George. Not to mention nothing interesting to talk about at the water cooler! You got me all excited about your upcoming guest blogger and then you left me hanging in suspense! I hope you had a great trip though.

  7. Man, I'm giving him one more day. After that I'm officially calling GD out on being a slacker.

  8. lol Okay, okay -- truth be told I am back now. Got in on Tuesday (was in Cuba). I hope to be blogging soon, but am terribly busy right now with other things. Please stay tuned.


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