Only the abstract is available online:
The second Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence conference (SENS II) featured some very provocative ideas. The explicit objective of extending human life span indefinitely has opened a large rift between the meeting's organizer and those who believe he is acting unscientifically, perhaps recklessly. Two SENS conference participants present their views on the divisive nature of SENS.Tags: strategies for engineered negligible senescence, Aubrey de Grey, life extension, rejuvenative medicine, SENS challenge, Methuselah mouse prize.
Some people just don't like the real world intruding on their ivory towers. That was my diagnosis, anyhow.
Thank you for your interesting post!
I thought perhaps you may also find this related story interesting to you:
Longevity Science: SENS
Is vivisection-based science compatible with transhumanist values?
According to the Declaration:
7) Transhumanism advocates the well-being of all sentience (whether in artificial intellects, humans, posthumans, or non-human animals) and encompasses many principles of modern humanism.
But why do transhumanists, especially the buddhist-minded t-types (including myself) keep endorsing aubrey de greys vivisection based quest for immortality? Or perhaps we hope that eventually posthumans will resurrect the dead mice, uplift them, ask their forgiveness and finally upload them to virtual Edens?
Arlind (feeling like a hypocrite)
Great discussion, thanks!
Perhaps you may be curious to see some more info on related topic:
New Books Discussing Aubrey de Grey Ideas
Shorter link:
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